相片分享_20231209_Let’s Go German 活動

日期: 09/12/2023

今日(9/12) 本校與香港新世代扶輪社合辦Let’s Go German 活動。30位五、六年級同學以小組形式,圍繞主題「德國」作主題滙報。滙報完結後,一同到荃灣一間德國餐廳品嘗正宗德國美食如德國腸、德國豬手等,同時學習餐桌禮儀。同學們非常享受這個豐富及精彩的外國文化學習體驗!

Today (9th December, 2023) our school co-organized the "Let's Go German" event with the Rotary Club of Neoteric Hong Kong. Thirty students from the fifth and sixth grades participated in small groups and presented reports on the theme of "Germany." After the presentations, we all went to a German restaurant in Tsuen Wan to taste authentic German cuisine such as German sausages and German pork knuckles, while also learning about table manners. The students thoroughly enjoyed this enriching and exciting experience of learning about foreign culture!