
日期: 01/02/2024

本校56年級學生參加STEAM川港澳青少年科學大賽全國總決賽,與來自四川及澳門近200位精英作賽,最終喜獲全國總決賽最高級別三等獎,其中6年級麥同學更獲二等獎(即全國亞軍),為本校及香港代表隊爭光。是次比賽屬國家級比賽,本校獲得國家級的獎項,實屬難得。恭喜獲獎同學!此外, 本校指導老師温老師獲得大會認同,亦獲得主辦單位頒授優秀教師指導獎。

Students from our school in P.5 and P.6 participated in the "Sichuen-Hong Kong-Macao Youth Science Competition Grand Final". They competed against nearly 200 elites from Sichuan and Macau. In the end, they were delighted to receive the third prize at the national finals, the highest level of the competition. In particular, student Ma from P.6 even won the second prize (the national runner-up), bringing honor to our school and the Hong Kong representative team. This competition is a national-level event, and receiving national-level awards is truly remarkable. Congratulations to the winning students! Also, Mr. Wan from our school has also received the 'teacher mentoring award'.