喜訊_20231221_本校同學獲STEM 校際邀請賽全場總季軍

日期: 21/12/2023

  • 本校 STREAM 小先鋒同學參加 Sphero Bolt 球體機械人-小學 STEM 校際邀請賽,進行了編程避障賽及水上競技賽,其中3位6年級同學喜獲全場總季軍。恭喜獲獎同學!
  • The students from our school's STREAM elite team participated in the Sphero Bolt spherical robot - Primary School STEM Inter-school Invitational. They competed in the programming obstacle avoidance race and the water sports competition. Among them, three 6th-grade students achieved the third place overall in the competition. Congratulations to the award-winning students!