
日期: 17/03/2024

同學們到了動物園(Auckland Zoo)、水族館(Kelly Tarlton’s Aquarium)及使命灣(Mission Bay) 參觀,親親大自然。同學們更即場邀請當地人或其他英語遊客做訪問,運用英語與人交流,實踐課堂所學。

翌日早上同學們開展鯨魚及海豚探索海上之旅 (Auckland Whale & Dolphin Tour) 同學看到很多海豚、也有部份同學說看到鯨魚!下午則到All black新西蘭欖球隊體驗館認識這項新西蘭國技。還到了天空塔(Auckland Sky Tower),在高空一覽新西蘭的景色。最後,同學們到了彩虹樂園(Rainbow’s End)便乘飛機回港。大家都很依依不捨今次的旅程!

Students has been to the Auckland Zoo, Kelly Tarlton’s Aquarium and Mission Bay. They also interviewed the locals or tourists who speaks English, practicing what they have learnt on the lesson.

Then the next day morning, students went on the whale & dolphin-watching tour. They saw a lot of dolphins and some of them even could see whale! In the afternoon, they had the all black rugby experience – New Zealand’s national sport. They had also been to the Auckland Sky Tower to look at the stunning view of New Zealand. After they visited the Rainbow’s End park, they went back to HK. This journey was an unforgettable and joyful experience for them!