日期: 30/01/2024
全體四年級學生參加了學校文化日計劃,於 1月30日(星期二) 前往沙田大會堂演奏廳欣賞了香港四位著名胡琴、鋼琴、大提琴及敲擊樂 音樂家主演的「移動音樂廳」音樂會, 同學都反應熱烈,表示大開眼界,希望下次有機會再能欣賞。
All fourth-grade students participated in the school's Cultural Day program and went to the Sha Tin Town Hall Concert Hall on January 30th (Tuesday) to enjoy the "Mobile Music Hall" concert featuring four famous musicians from Hong Kong playing the erhu, piano, cello, and percussion. The students responded enthusiastically and said that it broadened their horizons, and they hope to have the opportunity to enjoy it again next time.