日期: 22/12/2023
今天聖誕崇拜日活動,有聖誕感恩崇拜聚會,讓同學認識耶穌降世的意義;另外有班際詩歌比賽,同學都積極投入參與,努力在台上頌唱聖詩,希望獲取佳績,恭喜獲獎的班別! 最後有班會聯歡活動,也看見同學開心快樂、融洽的分享禮物及食物。
Today is the Christmas worship. There is a Christmas gratitude worship gathering, allowing students to understand the significance of Jesus' birth. In addition, there is an inter-class poetry singing competition, and students actively participate, striving to sing hymns on stage and hoping to achieve good results. Congratulations to the winning classes! Finally, there is a class party where students enjoy sharing gifts and food happily and harmoniously.
The 27th Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) Inauguration Ceremony was also held. The ceremony was successfully completed, and we would like to express our gratitude for the dedication of the PTA members, teachers, and volunteers over the past year. At the same time, we congratulate the newly appointed members of the PTA on their acceptance of the appointment at today's inauguration ceremony. Thank you to the new PTA members for their contributions to the school.
We wish you all a Merry Christmas and may the grace of the Lord be with you.