相片分享_20231214_六年級戶外教育營 (12-14/12)

日期: 14/12/2023

  • 本校六年級學生於12月12-14日到賽馬會愛丁堡公爵訓練營參加三日兩夜之戶外教育營,讓同學享受戶外康樂活動之樂趣、體驗群體生活及培養互助互愛之良好品德。同學們會在營裏一起挑戰不同的活動,一起回顧六年的小學生活,在升中前留下美好的回憶。
  • The sixth-grade students of our school participated in a three-day, two-night outdoor education camp at the Jockey Club Edinburgh Duke of Edinburgh Training Camp from December 12th to 14th. The camp aimed to provide students with the opportunity to enjoy outdoor recreational activities, experience communal living, and cultivate virtues of mutual assistance and love. During the camp, the students challenged various activities together, reminisced about their six years of primary school life, and created beautiful memories before moving on to the next stage of their education.
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