
日期: 15/09/2024

本校參加由香港國際生物科技論壇暨展覽主辦的 「首屆香港學界生物創科STEAM教育頒獎禮 」榮獲以下獎項,分別是:

  • 香港傑出 STEAM 教育學校大奬
  • 香港傑出 STEAM 校長領導大奬
  • 香港傑出 STEAM 教師教學大奬
  • 香港傑出 STEAM 學生奬 


Good News: Our school has won multiple awards in the Hong Kong Academic Bio-Innovation STEAM Education!

Our school participated in the "Inaugural Hong Kong Academic Bio-Innovation STEAM Education Awards Ceremony" organized by the Hong Kong International Biotechnology Forum and Exhibition, and we are proud to have received the following awards:

  • Hong Kong Outstanding STEAM Education School Award 
  • Hong Kong Outstanding STEAM Principal Leadership Award 
  • Hong Kong Outstanding STEAM Teacher Teaching Award 
  • Hong Kong Outstanding STEAM Student Award 

These awards recognize our school's implementation of the STREAM education concept and affirm our contributions and excellence in STREAM education. Moving forward, we will continue to strive and dedicate ourselves to STREAM education.