喜訊_20240508_本校於「Time to Talk」英語演講比賽榮獲季軍
日期: 08/05/2024
本校於5月8日參加了由教育局舉辦之「Time to Talk」英語演講比賽,榮獲季軍!參賽同學以流利的英語進行主題演講,表現出色,獲評判嘉許。同學獲此佳績,有賴指導老師及參賽同學努力訓練。恭喜獲獎的同學!
Our school participated in the "Time to Talk" English Speech Contest organized by the Education Bureau on May 8th and won the third place! The participating students delivered impressive speeches on various topics in fluent English and received high praise from the judges. This achievement is attributed to the hard work and training of the students and the guidance of their teachers. Congratulations to the award-winning students!