喜訊_20240326_英語話劇組於本年度學校戲劇節榮獲最高殊榮— 評判推介演出獎
日期: 26/03/2024
本校英語話劇組於本年度學校戲劇節榮獲最高殊榮— 評判推介演出獎!英語話劇組同學於555支參賽隊伍中脫穎而出,全港只有約40支隊伍獲得此獎項。為表彰同學們積極投入的態度及表達對他們努力的肯定,本校更獲主辦機構邀請於5月21日假荃灣大會堂作公開表演。
Our school's English drama team won the highest honour at 2023-24 School Drama Festival - the Adjudicators’ Award ! Our English drama team stood out among 555 participating teams, and only about 40 teams in Hong Kong won this award. In order to compliment the students for their active attitude and express recognition of their efforts, our school was invited by the organiser to participate in a public performance at the Tsuen Wan Town Hall on May 21.