喜訊_20240307_本校同學獲校際音樂節外語歌曲獨唱組 銅獎及銀獎
日期: 07/03/2024
本校5年級兩位同學 - 鄒同學及李同學,分別獲得本屆校際音樂節13歲或以下(男/女聲)外語歌曲獨唱組 銀獎及銅獎。恭喜獲獎同學!
Two students from our school, Zou and Li , in the fifth grade, have respectively won the silver and bronze awards in the solo category of foreign language songs (for boys/girls under 13 years old) at this year's inter-school music festival. Congratulations to the award-winning students!