喜訊_20240120_本校同學獲「『A.I. 操控者』:人工智能遙控車大賽」最佳設計獎冠軍

日期: 20/01/2024

本校STREAM小先鋒參加保良局胡忠中學「『A.I. 操控者』:人工智能遙控車大賽」,學生運用機器學習和創意設計,製作能夠使用手勢控制駕駛的遙控小車,以此提高他們的科學素養和創意思維能力。他們亦喜獲最佳設計獎全場冠軍及書卷$600! 恭喜獲獎同學。

Our school's STREAM team members participated in the Po Leung Kuk Wu Chung College's "AI Manipulator: Artificial Intelligence Remote Control Car Competition". Students utilized machine learning and creative design to create a remote-controlled car that can be operated through gestures, thereby enhancing their scientific literacy and creative thinking abilities. They also won the Best Design Award and the overall championship, receiving a prize of HKD 600 book vouchers! Congratulations to the winning students.