
日期: 23/01/2025

本校創科生態園第一期工程已完成 ,稍後將會開放啟用。創科生態園設有天然有機農耕區、魚菜共生系統、中藥草園、蝴蝶屋、沉浸大自然學習區。學生能夠在生態園內學習到動植物在生態圈內的相關知識和將會進行本校獨有的大自然體驗式學習。

The first phase of the MOSLPS InnoTech Eco Park has been completed and it will be open for learning later. The Park has a natural organic farming area, an aquaponics system, a Chinese herbal garden, a butterfly house, and a nature-immersed learning area. In the park, students can learn relevant knowledge about animals and plants in the ecological circle and will engage in the school's unique experiential nature learning.