相片分享_20241214_戶外學習日- 小二海洋公園保育大使課程

日期: 14/12/2024

本校全體小二學生於1212日前往海洋公園參加保育大使課程。在課程中,同學們參觀了大熊貓之旅展館及四川奇珍館,認識國寶大熊貓的身體特徵及生活環境特點,在館中同學們更看到最新加入海洋公園的大熊貓安安和可可,感到相當興奮! 此外,同學們亦到乘坐海洋列車遊覽冰極天地、熱帶雨林探險徑、亞洲動物天地、海洋奇觀等景點,令同學們眼界大開!

All Primary 2 students of our school attended the Conservation Ambassador Programme at Ocean Park on 12 December. During the course, the students visited ‘Giant Panda Adventure’ and‘Hong Kong Jockey Club Sichuan Treasures' to learn more about the special features and living environment of the giant pandas. The students also saw the new members An An and Ke Ke, which made them feel very excited!

In addition, the students also took the Ocean Express to visit the Polar Adventure, Expedition Trail, Amazing Asian Animals, The Grand Aquarium and other attractions, which broadened their horizons!