
日期: 25/06/2024


本校參加了由香港大學舉辦的AI智能輔導英文寫作升級獎勵計。透過比較前測和後測中的寫作表現,部份學生在使用AI英語學習輔助軟件後,寫作成績顯著提升。五位同學於2024年6月22日在香港大學出席頒獎典禮分別領取銀、銅及Top 10 (全港全級前十名)證書。

[HKU AI Tutoring on English Writing Upgrade Award Scheme]

Our students has participated in the AI Tutoring on English Writing Upgrade Award Scheme, which was held by The University of Hong Kong (HKU). After comparing of their writing performance in Pre-test and Post-test,  we found significant improvement in some students' writing after joining the AI Tutoring on English Writing Upgrade Award Scheme. Our students attended the Prize Ceremony on 22nd June 2024 in HKU to receive their certificates.